A Lesson from My Morning Routine

My grooming routine every morning usually involves combing out my hair first, followed by applying hair mousse and finally using a Big Twist Sponge to achieve the Afro Curl Coil.

As I carried out the routine this morning, I noticed my almost 4-year-old son by my side waiting for school drop. As he watched, he had a comment for each process. For the first one, it was “Daddy I like your hair”. For the second one, “Daddy what is that and why apply so much”. I had a response ready for each of his questions up to this point, but nothing prepared me for the last one, “Daddy why are you scattering your hair?”

I mean, he just passed a compliment when he saw me comb it out, only to watch in horror as I scattered the same hair 🤦‍♂️

This brings me to the why of this post. During a recent class at the Conrad School of Entrepreneurship and Business, one of the professors Dean Pacey talked about the concept of #creativedestruction. Being someone who is fascinated by paradoxes, I found this very interesting. Even more so when he shared an example of its use – during Steve’s Jobs second stint at Apple, which ultimately turned the fortunes of the company around, making it the most valuable company in the world.

The more I explored, the more I found it relatable to my professional journey up to this point – First it was Design, then Photography, then Branding, then Advertising, then Websites and Digital Marketing, then Events, then Software Development. Today I’m embracing Sales. The outcome for me is that each iteration sets you up for innovation.

So I’m curious about why more companies are not open to adopting a concept that could exponentially change their outlook. Could it be fear? comfort? or just having their head in the sand. Let me know in the comments section.

Just in case you’re wondering what I told my son, let’s just say that I told him the truth. That was his first lesson in Creative Destruction 😎


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