A Night to Remember at the Communitech Startup Bootcamp Showcase
Some moments in life are exciting and emotional, this was one of them. Stepping onto the stage to present KintraceAI for the first time at the Communitech Startup Bootcamp Showcase was a moment I won’t forget. The room was full of energy, with founders and an engaged audience. You’d never guess it was freezing outside.
My presentation started smoothly. I talked about KintraceAI, our mission, and the work we’re doing. But as I reached the end, I got to the most personal part, why this project means so much to me. KintraceAI isn’t just about technology; it’s about keeping memories alive, starting with my late father’s story. We’re using KintraceAI to create his autobiography so that his experiences and wisdom live on.
At that moment, emotions took over. It became hard to speak. Just when I felt overwhelmed, the clock saved me. I had run out of time and had to step off the stage.
The night was full of emotions, pride, gratitude, and reflection. But more than anything, I feel thankful. Thankful for the chance to share KintraceAI, for the amazing founders who shared their visions, and for the startup community that keeps pushing forward.
A big congratulations to every founder who participated, and a special shout-out to the winners, Dimitri Njila and Adanna Amechi. This is just the beginning. There’s a long journey ahead, but we’re building something truly meaningful.
To everyone who has supported me, thank you. Your belief in this mission keeps me going.
Here’s to keeping memories alive and shaping the future. Let’s keep building.